Here’s the list of upcoming events at Perth Table Tennis Club
Monthly Swiss Style Table Tennis Tournament
That’s right – the Swiss Style Tournament is back!
Starting on Saturday 2nd December 2017, and thereafter the first Saturday of every month going forward.
Entry fee $10. Prize money $50 for the winner.
Starting time is 2pm, with an expected 5pm finish time (although it could be a bit earlier or later, depending on the number of entries).
We will be running it in a Swiss style format if possible, or a round robin if we get a smaller number of entries. No need for an entry form, just turn up before 2pm (club opens at 1pm for warming up), submit your name, pay your entry fee and join in!
This is a fun tournament that caters for all ages and standards, so don’t worry if you are a beginner, you can still play and have a good time. Each player is guaranteed 4-6 games, it is not a knockout tournament.